10 world-ending predictions it wasn’t worth prepping for
One of the things that often pops up when it comes to bushcraft is the closely related subject of prepping. This practice involves making preparations to survive something, usually a particular event. This niche has always had a lot of criticism to deal with, as many preppers are trying to get ready for things that will either never happen, or be impossible to survive if they did. One of the things that makes people think world-ending situations are going to happen is the famous people or civilizations that have predicted such events. Here are 10 world-ending predictions people have prepared for that either didn’t or won’t happen.
1. The Mayan Apocalypse (2012)
Who Predicted It? Interpretation of the Mayan Calendar
When? December 21, 2012
How? Many believed the Mayan Long Count calendar ending meant a catastrophic event such as planetary destruction, a black hole, or a pole shift.
2. Harold Camping’s Rapture (2011)
Who Predicted It? Harold Camping, Christian radio broadcaster
When? May 21, 2011 (later revised to October 21, 2011)
How? He claimed a global earthquake would mark the beginning of the Rapture, followed by complete world destruction.
3. Nostradamus’ End of the World Prophecies (Various Dates)
Who Predicted It? Nostradamus, 16th-century French astrologer
When? Various dates, with some linking his prophecies to 1999 and beyond
How? His cryptic writings suggest apocalyptic war, famine, natural disasters, or a comet striking Earth.
4. Y2K Bug (2000)
Who Predicted It? Computer experts and media speculation
When? January 1, 2000
How? Fear that computer systems would fail due to the year changing from 1999 to 2000, leading to infrastructure collapse and chaos.
5. William Miller’s Second Coming (1844)
Who Predicted It? William Miller, founder of the Millerite movement
When? October 22, 1844
How? He predicted Jesus Christ would return and end the world. When it didn’t happen, it was called “The Great Disappointment.”
6. Halley’s Comet Panic (1910)
Who Predicted It? Some scientists and media reports
When? 1910
How? People feared that Earth passing through the comet’s tail would expose the planet to toxic gases (like cyanogen), poisoning everyone.
7. The Large Hadron Collider Black Hole (2008)
Who Predicted It? Conspiracy theorists and some scientists
When? September 10, 2008 (the day it was activated)
How? Some believed it would create a black hole or strange matter that could swallow the Earth.
8. The Jupiter Effect (1982)
Who Predicted It? Astronomers John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann
When? March 10, 1982
How? A rare planetary alignment was thought to cause massive earthquakes and natural disasters, but nothing happened.
9. The Jehovah’s Witness Doomsday Predictions (Multiple Dates)
Who Predicted It? Jehovah’s Witnesses
When? Various dates (1878, 1914, 1925, 1975)
How? They predicted different years when Jesus would return, leading to the destruction of the world. Each time, they revised their interpretations when the world didn’t end.
10. The 2017 Nibiru Cataclysm
Who Predicted It? Conspiracy theorist David Meade
When? September 23, 2017
How? He claimed a hidden planet called Nibiru (Planet X) would collide with Earth, ending civilization. No such planet exists.