How to survive civil unrest What is civil unrest? Civil unrest is when the authorities struggle to maintain law and order against large amounts of civilians who are committing or encouraging crime. This can be anything from a rebellion forming to a large fight...
How to prepare a Bug-Out bag It doesn’t matter which country you live in or how much money you have, a disaster could change your life in an instant. Maybe it will be nothing more than having to stay away from home for a couple of nights, but it could be much...
5 Interesting tribal survival methods Anyone who has lived their entire lives in what can be considered a tribal environment will usually be unmatched when it comes to survival skills, at least in their home environments. Some of the tricks people use to make their...
Movie post-apocalyptic civilizations could they survive? Snowpiercer and Mad Max It’s always fun to see things that could happen in the near future portrayed in a movie, especially when it’s based on how we would survive as a species. Today the two films...
What NOT to do when going into the wilderness After reading and writing so many survival stories, certain things pop up again and again that cause people to get into trouble or even lose their lives. The wilderness may be beautiful and compelling, but it can also be...