The 5 tastiest foods you can forage in the UK There are thousands of species of plants in the wild that are safe to eat, and many of the common ones can usually be found within a few minutes walk from your own home, but for the truly good stuff, you have to know where...
3 Ancient lands that no longer exist During the early stages of human history, the earth was a very different place, both in layout and climate. The frozen continent of Antarctica was once a land covered with trees and animals, and everything above Scotland was...
3 of the most disastrous voyages in the arctic From the 1700s onwards, the Arctic has been one of the most profitable places for ships to venture, and for many years was explored to find an alternative shipping route from Europe to the west coast of North America. The...
The hardest time period to survive in the British Isles The Pre-Human occupation of Britain As with every single country on earth, the British Isles have gone through many changes which have, at points, made daily life almost unbearable. The Victorian workhouses saw...
The 5 lowest rate survival jobs in history It’s only been over the last 100 years that people have created any real health and safety standards, and workers’ rights are also a relatively new invention. Before the creation of enforced safety standards, the...