The 5 lowest rate survival jobs in history It’s only been over the last 100 years that people have created any real health and safety standards, and workers’ rights are also a relatively new invention. Before the creation of enforced safety standards, the...
The 5 most remote places in the UK to practise Bushcraft For such a small country with a large population, the UK still has its fair share of sparsely populated areas ideal for getting away from it all and practicing some Bushcraft. For example, there are well over...
What was it like surviving an ancient winter Long before the invention of electric heating and synthetic materials to make clothes from, people had few options available to them when it came to how they would make it through the winter months. The way people survived...
Random Survival facts from history Long before the days of freeze-dried food and mobile phones, people had to use all kinds of crazy survival techniques just to make it through the day. Here’s a few Random Survival facts from history that most people today have...
Would humans survive another ice age? An ice age happens when the planet receives varying amounts of sunlight on its northern latitudes, causing the temperature to drop and the seas to form into ice, which in turn cools the rest of the planet. The axis of the planet...