The 5 main reasons people find themselves in survival situations Every year around the world, thousands of people die because from being stranded or getting lost in a dangerous environment. There have been countless people dying over the years from getting lost in a...
The 5 things most likely to kill you in the wild When people think of dangers in the wild they normally picture animals like bears and wolves or a large cliff to fall off, but in reality, you are more likely to be killed by almost anything else. A good example would...
How did early explorers survive long voyages During the early days of our ancestors, discovering new lands had always been a case of just walking for long enough until you reached somewhere you wanted to stay. The problem with this method was that people were limited...
Facts about the world’s life-saving organizations Wherever you are in the world, there will always be at least one group of people ready to risk themselves to come and save you. The organization they belong to will depend on where you are, but ultimately a small...
5 Invasive animals to the UK you should eat immediately There isn’t a country on earth that doesn’t have some kind of plant or animal that shouldn’t be there, causing havoc amongst the native wildlife and sometimes costing the country millions every year to control....