Bushcraft Skills

Survival foods you can make yourself
Survival foods you can make yourself

Survival foods you can make yourselfWhen going out into the wild it's always nice to stop for a good meal, and what better way to enjoy it than with survival food you’ve made yourself? Here are some of the easiest-to-make survival foods you can make yourself to...

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Harmless animals that people think are deadly
Harmless animals that people think are deadly

Harmless animals that people think are deadlyThere are some animals in the wild that people instantly associate with danger such as bears and wolves, but in reality, these creatures are less likely to kill you than your kitchen toaster. So here’s a list of some of the...

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5 Strange things found in nature
5 Strange things found in nature

5 Strange things found in natureTrying to survive in nature is normally a case of having the right equipment and knowing how to use it, along with a little bit of luck, but every once in a while something turns up that scares and confuses even the most veteran...

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Things to remember when going to the Arctic
Things to remember when going to the Arctic

Things to remember when going to the ArcticThe Arctic Circle is the area surrounding the North Pole that stretches out for around 2000 miles south in every direction. In some of the countries it covers it doesn’t reach quite as far as in others due to factors such as...

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The Signal Crayfish Special
The Signal Crayfish Special

The Signal Crayfish SpecialIn the UK the signal crayfish is an invasive species, introduced from America in the 1960’s to be bred for food, as they are considerably bigger than our native white-clawed species. They were introduced into more than 20 countries and since...

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The Most Unexplored places on earth
The Most Unexplored places on earth

The Most Unexplored places on earthWith satellite imagery of the whole planet and submersibles that have reached the depths of the Mariana Trench, it may come as a surprise that there’s still so much of the earth's surface that we have absolutely no idea about. The...

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The 5 most poisonous plants in the UK
The 5 most poisonous plants in the UK

The 5 most poisonous plants in the UKNormally on lists of poisonous plants, people always seem to add things that can't kill you unless you eat an amount that you simply wouldn’t eat. Take Foxglove for example, this pretty purple flower is indeed poisonous and appears...

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Where to Practise Bushcraft in Wales
Where to Practise Bushcraft in Wales

Where to Practise Bushcraft in WalesWith its rolling mountain ranges and huge flowing forests, Wales has some of the best spots to practice bushcraft. It has three main mountain ranges and due to its shape, a massive amount of coastline and dozens of beaches, giving...

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The Worlds Most Dangerous Mountain
The Worlds Most Dangerous Mountain

The World's Most Dangerous MountainThe Worlds Most Dangerous Mountain​ is called Annapurna and can be found in the Gandaki province of Nepal. It stands at 8,091 meters (26,545 ft) above sea level and is the 10th tallest mountain on earth. It has become known as the...

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How to NOT get into a survival situation
How to NOT get into a survival situation

How to NOT get into a survival situationAfter reading countless survival stories there's a handful of things that pop up consistently, things which make the difference between life and death. Here's a few points to keep in mind that are applicable to every single...

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The Basics


Food and Foraging

Building and Crafting


Basic Survival skills

Learn the basics of how to survive in the wild, which are your priorities and how long can you really survive for in the wild.

How to find water in the wilderness

The average person can go for 3 days without water before they die, learn the easiest ways to find this precious resource.

Top 10 Survival tips

A quick list of 10 of the most important things to keep in mind when out in the wilderness.

Best places to practise bushcraft in Wales

With hundreds of miles of coastline and huge mountain ranges, this country really does have it all for the bushcrafting enthusiast.

The best way to practise bushcraft for beginners

Theres no need for expensive courses to help you gain survival skills, with everything you need to start you off closer to home than you think.

How to find north without a compass

A compass is one of the most important things to take on a hike, but in the event it gets lost or broken, what can you do to find your way?

How to identify poisonous plants

Learning which wild plants make a tasty meal and which ones can paralyse your lungs is an important skill to have if you spend alot of time in the wild.

Beach Foraging

From Razor clams and Cockles to as much free shrimp as you can be bothered to catch, learn where to find it and the best methods of gathering and cooking.

Cliff Foraging

Not all the best wild food is on the beaches or in the woods, with coastal cliffs holding some rare and tasty treats you just cant find anywhere else.

Choosing the best ration type

With so many different types of survival food out there its easy to get confused and choose the wrong option for your trip. Become familiar with the choices and the pros and cons of each.

How to find wild Rabbits

A quick guide on how to recognise the different signs that rabbits are in the area and how to determine their numbers.

How to make a ground oven

One of the best ways to cook a piece of meat in the wild, and one of the only methods were you can set it up and safely leave it until its done, no turning or fire stoking required.

How to escape from quicksand

Movies have made quicksand look much more dangerous than it actually is, but thats not to say it shouldn’t be avoided. Learn what not to do if you become trapped and more importantly, how to escape.

Foraging laws in the UK

The UK has pretty good foraging laws but its still possible to do something wrong when gathering wild foods, learn what you can and cant do when foraging in the wild.

How to survive a blizzard in the wilderness

A blizzard is the most dangerous type of weather you can ever be exposed to, with every second increasing dangers like frostbite. Act fast and act correctly to avoid losing a finger or two.

UK Bushcraft Laws

Learn how to NOT get into trouble from practicing bushcraft in the UK and the laws that concern your outdoor activities.