Are humans at risk from a frozen virus? Due to climate change and the increase in technology, we are now able to explore areas of the planet that were previously out of reach. The continent of Antarctica is almost twice the size of Australia and we have only been able...
The 10 strangest animal survival tactics Certain creatures on this earth were born without anything that could be used as a weapon to defend themselves. Bears and lions are known as dangerous because they are big, strong, and have huge claws and sharp teeth, making...
Could humans survive on the moon? The nearest celestial body to Earth is the moon at an average distance of 384,400 km away, which makes it by far the nearest place for us to try and establish a base, or even a second home for the human race, but just how possible...
The deadliest plants on earth by deaths caused There are thousands of different poisonous plants on earth and many of them have poisons so strong they are often impossible to survive. The reason that poisonous plants don’t cause that many deaths is because people...
The most extreme climates and places on earth One of the best things about our planet is how varied it is, with places too hot or cold to survive and isolated towns that receive 10 times the amount of rainfall that England does. With the recent changes in the climate,...
Will humans ever go extinct? Planet Earth is owned by the human race, with none of the millions of other species being able to even come close to our level of intelligence and creativity. With such dominance over our planet and the ability to create advanced...