5 Interesting tribal survival methods Anyone who has lived their entire lives in what can be considered a tribal environment will usually be unmatched when it comes to survival skills, at least in their home environments. Some of the tricks people use to make their...
Movie post-apocalyptic civilizations could they survive? Snowpiercer and Mad Max It’s always fun to see things that could happen in the near future portrayed in a movie, especially when it’s based on how we would survive as a species. Today the two films...
The longest survival times of trapped people In a survival situation, people will often have the ability to move around or travel short distances, but sometimes people get stuck in a confined space they can’t leave. Normally when this happens it’s only for a short...
Could humans survive on the moon? The nearest celestial body to Earth is the moon at an average distance of 384,400 km away, which makes it by far the nearest place for us to try and establish a base, or even a second home for the human race, but just how possible...
The deadliest plants on earth by deaths caused There are thousands of different poisonous plants on earth and many of them have poisons so strong they are often impossible to survive. The reason that poisonous plants don’t cause that many deaths is because people...
The chances of surviving as a prisoner in ww2 During the second world war, millions of combatants were taken as prisoners by their enemies and forced to endure horrible things to survive. Over 3 million German prisoners of war were captured by the Russians alone, and...