The darkest survival situations in human history Throughout history, people across the globe have often run into times so dark and desperate, that their daily lives needed to be filled with extreme actions just for them to stay alive. Here are a few of the darkest...
Chris McCandless The importance of knowing what you’re doing Chris McCandless is one of the best examples of the importance of knowing some survival skills before wandering out into the wilderness and being able to stay alive. With the personal reasons that led...
Which materials are best for cold weather? There are too many winter jackets out there to even count, with each one claiming to be the best in some way and offering protection the others can’t, but how are you supposed to tell which ones are actually good and...
Are movie survival situations realistic? Movies love to exaggerate things to make them more interesting or exciting, and although it can make the movie better they don’t always give out the best advice. If you copied what people do in the movies during a real survival...
What are the chances of dying in a survival situation? The reason they are called survival situations in the first place is because there’s a reasonable chance you could die, which means that if you’re in one then you probably aren’t just lost in the woods. The trick...
Where to practice bushcraft in England When it comes to practising your bushcraft skills the one thing that no one on the internet will be able to give you is permission to do certain things there. Where you choose is up to you, but if you want to be carrying a knife...