Harmless animals that people think are deadly There are some animals in the wild that people instantly associate with danger such as bears and wolves, but in reality, these creatures are less likely to kill you than your kitchen toaster. So here’s a list of some of...
Things to remember when going to the Arctic The Arctic Circle is the area surrounding the North Pole that stretches out for around 2000 miles south in every direction. In some of the countries it covers it doesn’t reach quite as far as in others due to factors such as...
The 5 most poisonous plants in the UK Normally on lists of poisonous plants, people always seem to add things that can’t kill you unless you eat an amount that you simply wouldn’t eat. Take Foxglove for example, this pretty purple flower is indeed poisonous and...
Why long-term survival situations are harder for vegans Surviving in the wild in any kind of situation you didn’t plan on being in is difficult to say the least, especially if you don’t have any kind of survival kit and have to rely on the food you can find around...
How telling someone where you’re going can save your life One of the best ways to get out of a survival situation is to wait somewhere safe until a group of well-trained professional mountaineers come to your aid with medical supplies and rescue equipment. This is of...
5 Ancient Survival Skills We Have Forgotten Modern life consists of personal vehicle transportation, public services, and the ability to make a quick trip to the shops and buy everything from exotic spices to tropical fruit. If you took the average modern person and...