How did the American frontiersman survive the wilderness? The frontiersmen are one of the images usually associated with early American exploration, with their fur hats and flintlock muskets, trekking through the wilderness looking for new lands to settle and mineral...
How did the Viking settlers survive in Greenland? The first Europeans credited with discovering Greenland were Vikings who ventured across the North Atlantic Ocean from their settlements in Iceland. These fearless seafarers, known as Norsemen or Norse settlers, played...
The Franklin Expedition One of the most disastrous Arctic voyages of all time The Franklin expedition was one of the many attempts to find a route across what has come to be known as the Northwest Passage. During the 1800s, the power of nations depended on wealth, and...
How hard would it be to survive in prehistoric Britain There are many times throughout history when staying alive would have been a challenge, but nothing seems to come close to the daily horror of what would have awaited anyone trying to settle the mysterious lands...
3 Ancient lands that no longer exist During the early stages of human history, the earth was a very different place, both in layout and climate. The frozen continent of Antarctica was once a land covered with trees and animals, and everything above Scotland was...
3 of the most disastrous voyages in the arctic From the 1700s onwards, the Arctic has been one of the most profitable places for ships to venture, and for many years was explored to find an alternative shipping route from Europe to the west coast of North America. The...