How to survive in the desert

How to survive in the desert

When people hear the word “desert” they normally picture a vast landscape of nothing but sand with blazing sun shining down, but the definition of the word desert refers to anywhere that annually receives very low levels of precipitation, which technically makes Antarctica the biggest desert in the world since it never actually rains there.


Deserts of any kind are the hardest to survive in due to their extreme temperatures and lack of useful resources, but should you ever find yourself lost within one of the hot deserts on earth, here are a few things to keep in mind to increase your chances of survival.


Dress like a local

If you ever see a photo of someone on holiday in a desert region they normally look like they’re dressed for a day at the beach, with nothing but shorts and a t-shirt to protect them from the sun. The locals on the other hand dress in long flowing robes and wear thick hats, with the turban being a good example.


This isn’t some kind of fashion statement, but rather the best way of keeping cool. All those thin layers of clothing allow the air to circulate around their skin and cool them down, and the covering of most of their body blocks the sun’s rays from directly touching them.


Prepare for the cold nights

If you are directly on the equator then during the middle of the night you will be in the one location on Earth that’s the furthest away from the sun, which is equal to winter for most countries. The temperature at night normally drops below freezing, so pack something to keep you warm.


Travel by dark

Walking in the desert sun will cost you several times more moisture and energy per mile than walking in the cold. If you know exactly where you are and how far away help is then walking during the day may be necessary, but if you’re lost then stick to travelling at night.


Stock up on water

You will need to drink at least double your water intake if you plan on walking in the desert during the day, and even traveling at night will require more than normal. You should always take as much as you can carry which is easy if you have a vehicle, but water can be heavy, and taking too much by foot could cause you to walk slower and use up more calories. Plan ahead and take as much as you can comfortably carry without burdening yourself, it’s also worth drinking more than you feel you need if you come across a safe water source you can’t take with you.


(Green, leafy plants are an excellent place to dig for water)


Learn how to make water safe to drink

Since water is quite scarce in the desert, sources tend to attract many local animals and insects that turn them into parasite-infested mud. Finding a clean water source with no insects or animal waste is almost impossible, so you’re going to have to know how to make it safe. Normally the best option would be to filter and boil the water, but if this isn’t an option you’d better have a backup. The two best things you can possibly have are water purification tablets and a survival straw.


For anyone who’s not familiar, a survival straw is a large wide straw full of micro anti-bacterial filters that allow you to drink through it directly from a water source. All bits and harmful bacteria are filtered out inside the straw while drinking, making it a handy contraption. Most straws are normally good for between 10 and 15 gallons, but since they weigh so little you can carry a week’s worth of safe drinking water right in your pocket, so long as you have a source in the first place of course.


Learn how to find water

In the event you’re stranded and didn’t bring any water with you, it’s important to know how to find some. Unfortunately, deserts are the driest places on earth and water is rare, to say the least, but anywhere there are animals there must be water. here’s a few points to keep in mind to help you find water in the desert:


  • Look for flying insects – Most flying insects gather around water sources, so if you hear something buzzing fast your head check the local area and move towards larger groups of insects you see.


  • Follow the animals – animals mean water so if you see some there must be a source near by.


  • Follow tracks – If you don’t see an actual animal but come across their tracks, they must have been made recently and must lead somewhere. Animals frequently visit watering holes so there’s a good chance it could lead to one.


  • Look for plants – Plants need water so the greener the plants the higher the chances of finding water. certain plants like the cactus can go for long periods without rain, so the most obvious sign would be plants that have large green leaves. If you find some look for the area of ground that things are growing best on and start digging.


  • Rock slopes – If the rock isn’t porous then any rain that falls on it will wash to the bottom of the slope and soak into the same spot. Digging around these areas may produce a small but worthwhile pool of water.


Keep your bearings

Everything can often look the same in a desert, and a sandstorm can change the landscape in a few minutes. The best indicator to keep your position is your worst enemy, the sun. If you are directly on the equator then the sun will rise due east and set due west, so keep an eye on it to make sure you’re walking in the right direction.


Don’t drink urine, put it to better use

Even though you may become thirsty enough to drink your own pee, it’s never a good idea. Urine is filled with all the things your body expelled as waste and re-introducing it back into your system could be harmful. It is possible to drink your own urine and be fine, but it is also possible to drink it and become sick, and getting ill when lost in the desert is basically a death sentence.


One strange but effective trick to put your urine to good use is to pee on a spare item of clothing and wrap it around your head. As disgusting as this may sound it will help you to keep cool by blocking sun rays and trapping in your sweat.


Eat the correct food

Anything dry or salted should be avoided for obvious reasons. High-energy and calorie foods are the best bet, with anything that makes your stomach work too hard being avoided. Your body will use up much more water digesting something like a chunk of beef than it will something less dense like an energy bar.


Avoid water loss at all costs

Apart from not eating things that will increase your thirst, you should also avoid other activities that use water like smoking and talking. Every time you open your mouth to speak you expose the moisture inside to the air and a tiny amount escapes your body. Talking nonstop for an entire day’s walking could cost you an extra pint of water that you may not have to spare.

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