5 of the coolest survival tools When it comes to survival equipment there have been too many companies jumping on the wagon and producing equipment that would be more useful if you threw it on the fire for extra fuel. Fortunately, every once in a while someone will do...
5 things to buy if you’re a survivalist with too much money When it comes to personal interests, there’s always someone who takes it way too far and also happens to be fortunate enough to have a huge amount of money. If you’re one of these lucky people and also...
Three of the most unprepared people in bush craft history Anyone who’s interested in bushcraft or survival should be aware of the need to be prepared because going out into the wild with the things you need is just common sense. Most survival stories usually start...
The best tinder materials for starting a campfire Starting a fire is usually quite easy, until you really need one of course. There are so many types of tinder and firelighters available, but which ones are worth it and are there better options than burning chemicals...
5 of the Strangest methods of preparing food Over time the human race has developed a number of methods to preserve food for the colder winter months, mostly out of necessity, but many of these methods have huge cultural differences and what is considered normal in...
The 5 most important lessons I’ve learned from bush craft I’m one of those lucky people who has never found themselves in a survival situation, partly because I’m careful and partly because I live in the UK, a small and soggy country that...