How did the Neanderthals survive? There was a very long period in human history when people lived so primitively that they didn’t even have pottery, anything made of metal was a distant dream and the most advanced piece of technology on the planet consisted of a sharp...
The 3 most disastrous expeditions of all time In the earlier years of exploration, there was a race between the superpowers of the world to be the first to find new lands and trade routes. Dozens of countries sent ships to find routes through the Northwest Passage, or...
How common are natural disasters A natural disaster can be considered as an event created by nature that causes wide-scale destruction of property or landscape, or loss of life. In 2022, there were 387 natural disasters and hazards recorded worldwide by EM-DAT...
5 places Not to Go in a Zombie Apocalypse Survival is all about being prepared, and every now and then it makes it interesting to throw in a scenario that probably won’t happen, but it doesn’t hurt to be ready just in case. When it comes to fictional survival...
10 Things to Know Before Visiting Antarctica The most remote continent on earth isn’t owned by any government and has no permanent civilian population, but it does offer thousands of square miles of high-quality land to conduct research on. This research ranges from...
3 Short Survival Stories A good survival story can tell the tale of someone fighting for life over weeks or even months, struggling for food, and being stranded in the wilderness, but the majority of stories don’t go like this. Sometimes people are simply “stuck”...